On staff at Good Samaritan Hospital, Peggy A Supple, M.D. is a highly rated Pediatrician physician in Downers Grove, IL, who has been practicing medicine for many years, providing medical assistance to your children. We have the resources to get you the medical attention you need when you need it! I take the time to listen to you and answer all of your questions, carefully explaining the medical and treatment care. We take pride in the work we do and strive to make every child feel relaxed, comfortable and free from anxiety as much as possible.
Looking for a great new children’s doctor in Downers Grove, IL, call on Peggy A Supple, M.D. today and schedule your child’s wellness exam! Solo Pediatrician, open to new patients with most insurances, any age up to 18, except existing patients whom I see longer. I am interested in collaboration and supporting patient and parents. I am strongly in favor of Vaccinations, including flu, but do not expel patients for non-compliance if they have very strongly held beliefs and are consistent with all needed well child visits. Children need to be fully vaccinated for their benefit!